Fat Golf Shots
Fat golf shots occur when the club strikes the turf before making contact with the golf ball. This article addresses how can you fix fat golf shots.
Golf is an exceptionally challenging and frustrating sport, but what are the most common golf faults?
Numerous golfers embark on a journey to improve and reduce their handicaps. Throughout the last two decades, I have had the privilege of working with golfers of varying abilities. Undoubtedly, certain faults emerge more frequently than others. These common golf faults often hinder the attainment of distance, accuracy, and consistency, thereby impeding the progress of numerous golfers. So, what are these common golf faults that hold back golfers of all abilities?
Club Face - The position of the club face at impact is of utmost importance and tops my list of common golf faults. It directly impacts the flight of the ball, but the fault actually originates much earlier.
Many golfers twist the club face during the backswing, placing it in a challenging position from which recovery becomes difficult. Consequently, the subsequent downswing involves a combination of compensations and recovery manoeuvres aimed at addressing the problems arising from the backswing.
Set Up - The setup is a critical aspect of achieving an efficient golf swing. It necessitates the body moving in a specific manner. How you position yourself in relation to the golf ball directly affects your ability to execute the correct movements.
Many struggling golfers initiate their swings from a position that inadvertently hinders proper body movement. These golfers have the potential for significant improvement simply by adopting a more efficient stance and alignment to the golf ball.
Club Shaft - The angle of the club shaft during the swing is crucial when playing golf, as you position yourself to the side of the golf ball. This positioning allows the club to swing around your body at an angle, which is essential for achieving consistency in your game. Skilled golfers adeptly establish the ideal club angle early in the downswing, enabling them to deliver the club to the golf ball with remarkable efficiency.
However, a prevalent characteristic among amateur golfers is starting the downswing with a club shaft that is too steep or vertical. This steep club position leads to inconsistent club deliveries and often results in the club cutting across the golf ball. It also poses challenges when it comes to striking the ball cleanly.
If you are looking to improve the quality of your shots, your consistency or to reduce your handicap it's likely that you will benefit from working on and improving in one of the common golf faults listed above.
Fat golf shots occur when the club strikes the turf before making contact with the golf ball. This article addresses how can you fix fat golf shots.
Thin golf shots occur when the golf ball is struck too low on the club face, below the sweet spot of the golf club. As a result, these shots often fly lower, lack distance, and have unpredictable trajectories and curves.
The slice, particularly with the driver, is undoubtedly the most prevalent swing flaw afflicting amateur golfers. Here’s how to fix a slice in golf and better your technique.